Singing Guide: The Human Beinz

Singing Guide: The Human Beinz

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

The Human Beinz, a rock and roll band that formed in Ohio in the early 1960s. Known primarily for their hit single "Nobody but Me", which reached #8 on the US Billboard Hot 100 chart. Their raw, energetic sound, characterized by gritty guitar riffs and powerful vocals, made them a popular group during the peak of the garage rock movement.

If you are looking to learn how to sing like The Human Beinz, there are a few key techniques and skills that you can work on to help you capture their unique sound.

First and foremost, to capture the raw energy in their vocals, it is important to focus on breath support and control. Exercises such as the Farinelli breathing exercise, which can be found on Singing Carrots, can help you develop a strong foundation for breath support. Once you have built up your breath control, you can begin to experiment with various styles of singing to achieve the gritty, rock and roll sound that The Human Beinz were known for.

One of the key components of this style of singing is vocal distortion, which involves pushing the voice to the limit to create a gritty, distorted effect. Singing Carrots has a great article on vocal distortion and growling, as well as exercise videos for learning how to twang and growl. These exercises can help you develop the necessary vocal control and power to achieve The Human Beinz's distinctive sound.

Another important aspect of learning to sing like The Human Beinz is developing good vocal control across your range. A solid grasp of both chest voice and mixed voice can be key to hitting the high notes with ease. Singing Carrots has articles exploring voice registers and the vocal break, as well as tutorials with exercises to help you understand and develop your voice registers.

Finally, when it comes to actually performing songs like "Nobody but Me", "Turn on Your Love Light" or "My Generation", songs that are up-tempo and high-energy, the key is to focus on the emotion of the lyrics. Singing with intuition, skills, emotion, and thinking, as described in the Singing Carrots article, can help you develop a powerful emotional connection with the music, allowing you to really capture the feeling of The Human Beinz's songs.

By drawing on Singing Carrots' extensive library of articles, exercises, and vocal training tools, it is possible to develop the skills necessary to sing like The Human Beinz. With dedicated practice and a focus on developing both the technical aspects of singing and the emotional connection with the music, anyone can learn to achieve the raw, gritty sound that The Human Beinz were known for.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.